Per Stellas Ponimur

(Through the stars we find ourselves)


 Welcome to Silver Lining Astrology! My goal is to help you see your patterns. The stars don’t control us, but they do help us see ourselves better. We are all part of the cosmos and we are on our own cycles while also connected to the greater cosmic cycles at work! I believe any tool that helps us understand ourselves better and provides introspection and insight is valuable.




I’ve been studying astrology on and off since I was 7 years old, my older sister gave me an astrology book and I was hooked. I loved that it gave me insight into people’s lives. I used it then to see if I was compatible with my crushes (I was not) and how my friends saw the world. I now use it to understand where people are coming from and where they are trying to go based on their Natal Chart placements, aka where the astrological constellations were the moment they were born.


You don’t have to “believe in astrology” for it to be useful. My job isn’t to convince you it’s real, I don’t want to debate that with you. My job is to illuminate some of your patterns, talk about where challenges may arise, provide insight into the cosmic cycles that are impacting you heavily, and guide you through upcoming transits. I think that we all gravitate towards the tools that are most in line with the way we operate and if any of this is drawing you in, I would love to talk with you about your chart!


Follow along with me on Instagram!